Tuesday 8 January 2013

18 - year Old Girl Auctions her Virginity to Pay Mother’s Hospital Bills (TOUCHING PHOTO)

Rebecca Bernardo with her sick Mother

An 18 year old girl, Rebecca Bernardo from Brazil is auctioning off her virginity in an effort to raise money for her sick mother, who recently suffered a stroke. “I made up my mind right after my 18th birthday. That’s when my mother suffered a stroke”, she said.

She announced the auction via YouTube and has so far received three bids, the highest being $35,000.
Rebecca said she has worked as a waitress but the cost of taking care of her mum which includes paying for a caretaker is too much for her to handle. Her mother is unable to feed herself or go to the bathroom alone.
Bernardo’s mother however doesn’t want her daughter to ‘prostitute herself’, saying she should look for work elsewhere. ‘She shouldn’t prostitute herself,’ the mother said.

 What do you think of this girl’s decision to pay her mom’s bills using prostitution?

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