Majority of the responsible men out there finds it difficult to get a lady whom they will take for a wife. Every man dreams of and desires a peaceful home and only a REAL lady can make a peaceful home; reason is that you cannot give what you don't have. The scripture stated something about a REAL woman (prov 14 vs 1). Some ladies are down-to-earth and some, wolves in sheep's clothing. Due to many wolves which appear like a sheep, responsible guys find it difficult to differentiate the good ones from the dangerous ones. What kind of lady are you?
*A double dealer: that accepts marriage proposal from more than one guy, playing with their emotions and finding fault on the ones you think are not meeting up with your needs to dump? Look! The problem isn't with the guys but with you because you don't know what you want and the one you are looking unto might end up dumping you as well.
*A liar: who pretends so much and puts up excellent stories about herself, family, career, past and even your dream......the scripture states that "satan is the father of all liars". An adage also says "behind every dark cloud,there's always a silver lining"; nothing is hidden forever. Ask yourself what will be your fate if your partner finds out. As a liar, you will continually live in fear which ruins a relationship leaving you with regret.
*The VIRGIN but SLUT: she talks a man into believing that she is in love and that she is keeping her virginity for him; she has excellent skills in romantic play and can make a man to ejaculate without coitus. Deceptively gains trust but does same with several men to collect gift and money from them. Your body is the temple of the holy spirit and virginity is a sign of holiness. (Lev. 19 vs 2).
*The REAL lady: she is diligent, obedient and honest. She remains who she is not because of anyone. She can be trusted and relied upon. By their fruits, you shall know them. (Gal.5 vs 22). She is a rare treasure and anyone who finds her, finds PEACE.
Kudos! if you are a REAL lady
source: naijapals
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